Interested in sponsoring our newsletter? Thank you!

We have 2,000+ highly engaged readers who love indie games and gaming.

If you have something you’d like to promote on our newsletter e.g. an Indie Game, Shop, Youtube channel, Twitch, Blog, Discord, Software, Newsletter, Community etc.

Then we’d love to help promote it.

NOTE: Although the indie games in our newsletters are selecting by us and are NOT paid, we do accept indie games for sponsorships as often devs would like to appear in more than one issue or have their game promoted on a specific date.

Our current CPM is $10 and our newsletter has 2000 readers, so 1 ad placement in our email would be $20.

If you’d like to sponsor Indie Game Preachers please email me at [email protected]

Your sponsorship would also help support other indie games.

Thanks again!
